The Best Ways To Save On Your Electricity Bill

When it comes to utility bills, your electricity bill will generally be the largest one. If you find that your bill is much too high, there are a number of steps that you can take to reduce this. Some of these steps will cost a bit to implement while others are completely free.

Turn Off The Lights

One of the most commonly used ways of reducing your electricity bill is to turn off the lights that you are not using. When you leave a room, ensure that you turn off the lights. Letting the bulb burn for hours when it is not needed is just throwing money away and increasing the number of bulbs you have to buy each year.

While focusing on the lights, you should look at changing the type of bulb that you use. Getting energy saving bulbs will not only reduce your bills, but they also last longer. Of course, these bulbs are generally a bit more expensive, but the long-term savings do make up for this.

Keep The Fridge And Freezer Full

Most people know that closing the fridge and freezer door will use less energy, but what about the content. Keeping your fridge and freezer full can actually save you money in terms of your energy bill. This is due to the fact that the food will act as an insulator.

There will also be less air for the fridge to cool down so it does not have to run for as long. Of course, you do have to be careful with this as overstocking can cause other problems. If there is too much food in the freezer, ice can start to form and this will damage the device.

Eliminate Your Phantom Loads

Phantom loads are when an appliance or device uses energy when you think that it has been turned off. Research has found that around 75% of residential energy consumption can be attributed to phantom loads. The devices and appliances most likely to cause this will be the computer, TV and kitchen appliances.

These devices have a sleep or standby mode which many people assume is the same as it being shut off. However, while these devices are in these modes, they will still consume energy and increase your electricity bill. Taking the time to unplug these items or turn them off will save you a lot of money.

Consider The Sun

A lot of energy goes into heating and cooling your home, but you can reduce this by considering the sun. The sunlight that streams into your home will heat it and this can be a problem in the summer months. This is why you should consider planting trees to block the sun in the summer and let it in during the winter. If you cannot do this, you should consider adding a tinted film to your windows for the summer months.

There are a lot of ways that you can save on your electricity bill. Buying the right light bulbs can help along with turning lights and appliances off when you are not using them.

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